The #14 and #15 are currently out of stock and so this set is not available. Sorry for the inconvenience .
Years Thirteen - Fifteen of Josef Dolls $79.97 plus $12.99 flat rate shipping (savings computed over ordering the four dolls separately
Josef Thirteen Year Doll - You've reached your teens, you're now THIRTEEN, you've grown up so fast. Parties, friends and new horizons-moments made to last." The new teenager stands 6" tall, dressed in yellow complete with her own telephone.
Josef Fourteen Year Doll - "You sparkle like a diamond. A rare and precious jewel. And in FOURTEEN years we've known no one as wonderful as you! In a mauve dress with a blue parasol, the fourteen doll stands 6" tall.
Josef Fifteen Year Doll "You bring warmth and sunshine with your special ways. May all your birthday dreams come true as you turn FIFTEEN today." The doll is 6" tall, dressed in light pink and carries a gift wrapped packaage.